Soul Path Sessions
Soul Path Sessions
Season 2 Encore: The God Particle
In this encore episode from season 2, Deborah and Brenda explore the possibilities of a Universal energy that informs all things - or God Particle - and how to connect with it and apply it in our lives in order to raise our conscious frequencies, push our thoughts towards higher dimensions and alter every aspect of our soul journey. The "God Particle" is a quantum physics concept based on the Higgs-Boson particle but informs so much more when you look deeper. As Erwin Schrodinger (The Nobel Prize winner in physics in 1933) said: "The total number of minds in the universe is one. In fact, consciousness is a singularity phasing within all beings." We are connected to all minds, those we share our life with now and those that have left their bodies but remain all around us. It's all a matter of perception. Change our thoughts and we change the world around us, both without and within.