Soul Path Sessions
Soul Path Sessions
The God Particle
Deborah and Brenda explore the possibilities of a Universal energy that informs all things - or God Particle - and how to connect with it and apply it in our lives in order to raise our conscious frequencies, push our thoughts towards higher dimensions and alter every aspect of our soul journey. The "God Particle" is a quantum physics concept based on the Higgs-Boson particle but informs so much more when you look deeper. As Erwin Schrodinger (The Nobel Prize winner in physics in 1933) said: "The total number of minds in the universe is one. In fact, consciousness is a singularity phasing within all beings." We are connected to all minds, those we share our life with now and those that have left their bodies but remain all around us. It's all a matter of perception. Change our thoughts and we change the world around us, both without and within.
Welcome to the Soul Path Sessions podcast with Deborah Minds Pearson and Brenda Littleton. Brenda is an educator and counselor rooted in YY and Ecopsychology. She helps her clients understand the importance of the mind, body, spirit, and earth relationship for healing. Deborah is a licensed psychotherapist and has been trained in traditional and sacred psychology, exploring from the ground up what makes our human experience meaningful, wholesome, and enlightening. Deborah and Brenda invite you to accompany them on a soul path journey as they explore the possibilities of living a soulful life as therapists, seekers, and lovers of fate.
Speaker 2:Welcome to Soul Path Sessions. I'm here with my friend, co-therapist, fellow Soner , Brenda Littleton, and welcome,
Speaker 3:Welcome, Deborah . Yay . How are you? It's been a while . I'm good . Good to see you. And
Speaker 2:It's been a long time. I know. I really , um, wanna start this podcast by dedicating it to Karen Roth, who was, who left her body last month, and she was a dedicated listener learner. Um, at one point we were talking and she said, this show really helps. And she was a brilliant woman, and so full of Jovi , uh, creative and curious and comical. And she said, you're doing a public service, and I look forward to it. So Karen, this one's for you. We love you.
Speaker 3:We maybe continue in your, in your spirit. Thank you. Yes ,
Speaker 2:Yes, for sure. Thank
Speaker 3:You for mentioning her , us
Speaker 2:Today. Yeah,
Speaker 3:I appreciate that. Never
Speaker 2:To be forgotten.
Speaker 3:So what are we up to today, Deborah ?
Speaker 2:Well , um, this started <laugh> , it's all interesting things too, with a thought that came to me, which is, life is happening for me, not to me. And then the followed by another thought that I could see internally, this, these particles, they were wanting to be activated, like they were in suspension. They were like potentiality. They looked like little flicks of gold. So I started thinking, gee, I've heard about the God particle, but I know that's a real sciencey thing that's very difficult to explain, you know , on a quantum level at least it's difficult for me. So when I looked it up, what was, what was legible and understandable to me is that it's the sky particle , um, gives empty space mass. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> , um, to , to everything. So everything comes out of nothing, so to speak. And everything comes out of this thing you can't measure. It's, it's both empty and full.
Speaker 3:It's the original container.
Speaker 2:Why now ? That's what it was. So the original container, so this did for me, and it's doing for me, is when I don't know what to do, I activate the God particle. Hmm . I just call on it and then I let go and let the God particle activate.
Speaker 3:So what's the spell? What's the conjure? What, what do you, what ? So you're in a moment where there's some tension, some indecision, some instant you need to respond quickly. You don't know. You say, ah , the God particle
Speaker 2:<laugh>. Yeah. And I'll even use it for things like free time. Sometimes the burden of free time for me is I , what do I do? What do I don't do? Do I don't do, do I do, do I meditate? Do I not? I mean, I'll get into that kind of heady place and I'll just activate the God particle. I do see the particles. They're little just, they, for me, they're little gold flex. Nice. Um, and I just wait. And I, and I wait. And I remember that poem, I think I've said it in one of our podcasts that I committed to memory many years ago. I think it was in my thirties. Um, it's called the Native Prayer. I don't know who wrote it, but it says, when I am lost in the fog of confusion, I stop and I wait. And I stand very still until the great light of certainty shines on me. And then I move with swiftness.
Speaker 3:So as I listen , um, my version, my interpretation that I've been working with is not so much the God particle per se, but the molecules, the molecular level mm-hmm . <affirmative> the frequency of my molecules. And in , um, it's very much akin to David Hawkins power or force. And , um, working with the frequency 400 and above, love has been relegated and muscle tested to be a frequency of 400 mm-hmm . <affirmative> , so love or above mm-hmm . <affirmative> and , and getting my, my molecular internal structure functioning in that frequency. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> , uh, isn't just about my body and my energy as it is viewing the world and connecting to those God , those God particles, those gold flakes that you're talking about. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> mm-hmm. <affirmative> . So it's a very much an inward flow from, with the outside in interaction mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And so I'm, I'm listening because I don't think of it so much as a God particle, although I have studied the God particle as the original container mm-hmm . <affirmative> mm-hmm . <affirmative> and the expansion. So I'm really, really curious at the application mm-hmm . <affirmative> . And so , cuz both of us approach the same mysteries mm-hmm. <affirmative> , um, with almost the same language. So let's unpack this. Yeah . And , and how can we live this every single day?
Speaker 2:Yeah . Oh, I think it starts with an experiment. Um, I remember years ago when I was reading Parma Yoga Autobi. Yeah . Graphical Autobiography of a Yogi. And he said, don't believe it. I was like, don't believe me, just try <laugh> . And I was like, okay, I don't have to believe it, but just pretend, do it. Pretend that their universal love is with you, is you. And it's helping you just, just do
Speaker 3:It. Fake it till you make it. Fake
Speaker 2:It till you make it. And I did. I just, I just remember thinking, I, I was going through a really hard time in my life. My dad had just died tragically. And my grandfather had just died tragically. My dog had just died tragically. I mean, just the , the , the , the , the great Cloud was over for me. And I remember thinking, I'm , what , what , what does anything mean? Um , I remember just driving down the freeway, I said , what difference does it make if I'm even alive? If I took my hands off the wheel and I heard other people, so I wouldn't do it and I'd hurt my mom and all that stuff, but I really felt that low. And so I remember Parma , cuz I started reading Good books. Be Here Now, autobiography of a Yogi , these are my fundamental books.
Speaker 3:Alan Watts back then
Speaker 2:Alan Waz . Yeah . And all of a sudden it just a little drop in idea, just take a class at Golden West College. Like, well , I'm not a California resident yet, so I guess I could. And one thing led to another, took the sociology of love and I began to open up to this, all the things I was studying. And it brought me deeper into , uh, meeting the man that I married and had three beautiful children with and had the most amazing life in my castle on the hill. Uh , us being warriors and explorers together. But it was just this little, to me it comes in as a little light. Mm-hmm . <affirmative> a little infinite . It's like, wait for it. Wait for it. I mean, don't believe it, but wait for it.
Speaker 3:And then how did you identify it?
Speaker 2:It feels heightened. Like when I met Jerry, for instance, when I went to the class, for instance, something happened there, like you were saying the 400 , uh, 400 megahertz or what is it ? The energy, how do you measure it ?
Speaker 3:Um, it's a , it's a , um, it's, it's the basis of kinesiology and muscle testing. Yeah . Yeah. And there's a whole , um, uh, scale from zero to a thousand.
Speaker 2:Yeah. David Hawkins is an interesting guy , and
Speaker 3:I found him about 25, 20 years ago. And then he , there's YouTube just has all his original lectures from Stanford. And then when he went back to Harvard, and he's an mb an MD that became a physicist.
Speaker 2:I've seen him, he's fascinating.
Speaker 3:And he spent his last few years in Sedona and died about four years ago. Yeah. And I had given classes at his church that the , um, uh, the Center for Spiritual Living in Sedona. Oh , cool. Um, but his work has been picked up , um, by, by many people. Um , and then it kind of seeped its way into academics as kinesiology. So in sports medicine Yeah . When you're dealing with inflammation. And so I was reunited with his work when I was dealing with inflammation from a broken back and ribs and how can I repair, you know mm-hmm . On a frequency level mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And so it's also part, you know , the products to be the biomed or the Beamer or mm-hmm . <affirmative> , those infrareds and, and , um, energetic mats that you can lay on. And it, it helps the molecules reorganize and repair. Um, there's a company in Nelson, British Columbia called F L F E and it's frequency life, something for us energetic forest . And you can subscribe to them for I think 30 bucks a month, $35. And they will , uh, uh, stream , uh, the energy to either your phone , uh, personal object or your actual real estate. And it's all based on Hawkins work. It's is
Speaker 2:That , does William Tiller have anything to do with that? Because I know when I saw him, I don't know, in my PhD program, he was really a fascinating person, but Yeah . He , uh, talked about , uh, super luminal particles Okay . And , uh, intentionality. And he had some little device that people could have. He was working with children on the autism spectrum. Yeah . And they were getting, he said they came in at such a high frequency. Yeah. They had to be brought down to like , uh, the frequency we typically travel at mm-hmm . <affirmative> in order to not be so hypersensitized.
Speaker 3:Well that makes open up the conversation of adhd , like all the new higher frequencies coming in Yeah . And how we try to normalize them .
Speaker 2:Yeah. And we , we pathologize a lot of them too ,
Speaker 3:Because I apologize . And what would happen if we didn't and, and to the point of why aren't we on the frequency or why aren't we on the spectrum?
Speaker 2:Right.
Speaker 3:Why aren't, why , why , what happened to us? Why aren't we on the f I think
Speaker 2:It's because we, I I , I think we can play with frequencies, but all of the spiritual teachings that have helped me have helped me ground mm-hmm .
Speaker 3:<affirmative> .
Speaker 2:And in many cultures, including , uh, ancient Indian culture and most of the Asian cultures children are taught to meditate. Yeah. They're taught to ground that energy in the body and to let it, not just pull it up , uh, to let it flow through the body, not just have the Brits of the mind spinning all the time. Yeah. But to get it down into the heart chakra, the tummy mm-hmm . <affirmative> out to the feet
Speaker 3:And allowing, I mean, one of the meditations that works for me is doing all of the, you know, entrance and then through the body, but then rooting down into the ground. Yes. And finding that place. For me, it's a constant river , uh, that's underground and my feet go into that river that's moving. And then the intertwining roots of trees also kind of wrap around my feet in that space and ground me because I, I do know I do better work mm-hmm . <affirmative> with this planet if I'm grounded. Yeah. Because I can just space out and
Speaker 2:Buzz around. Yeah. Yeah. That's tree pose in yoga. That's what they ask you to really think about when you're standing on one leg, you know, cuz you are rooted and you're reaching up. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So, so learning to ground. Now you asked me a question I want to answer for the listeners. Cause I'm probably wondering what, you asked me a very specific question. How do I know when I'll also say my prayer has been answered. I'm gonna make it that simple and it's super obvious , uh, because I'm looking, one of the parts of spiritual path is to be here now and to notice, so for instance, going back to my story of despair , uh, I can feel the energy shift when I walked into that classroom, sociology of love. Mm-hmm . <affirmative> , I felt heightened, I became more awake. I felt deeply interested, I was interested in the people I was meeting. They were different people. The other thing I noticed is when I met Jerry , who was my husband for many years , um, when I , uh, was, we just met and I looked down at my womb and it was glowing gold. I didn't have a frame of reference for that, but it turned out that we came together specifically for the purpose of building things together, but also it's gonna have my children with him. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And when the children were raised, we got a divorce. Okay. The first time I saw my husband, Michael, he was glowing gold. So gold is a big, a lot of my glowing
Speaker 3:Gold
Speaker 2:<laugh> . Yeah . I felt that instant connection with you. Yeah. Instant connection with you. Yeah. I can see the aura and the aura looks different. The other thing, and some, some people out there may have the same experience is my sinuses open up a lot of times when I shift into a higher frequency mm-hmm. <affirmative> , it'll just like pop , pop , pop , pop , pop , pop , pop , pop , pop . So I'll wait for that. Like you were saying, the inflammation goes
Speaker 3:Down and the somatic therapies are so important to be a , as you're going through all the senses, I'm in my mind, I'm checking off all the boxes of somatic therapy. It's like, oh , the , the the sensate the feelings. Yeah . The clarity, the sinuses, the gut relaxing, you know, the , the fo focusing in on key areas of the body and and then rooting it. And, and it , the , they're not that it is an equation or a recipe, but these are , um, aspects to be aware of,
Speaker 2:To be no . To notice it, to notice
Speaker 3:Other
Speaker 2:Pieces completely clear to me is what happens in nature. Mm-hmm . <affirmative> so often I will just have birds doing very clear things. Um, last year when Jerry , my ex-husband was very sick and we stayed close as a family, I was asking for help. I was actually praying with a friend, which I'm very, as you know all about. And I looked out the window in ocean shores and a pelican, a white pelican. We don't have pelicans that are white there. Let's just, we apparently did that day and it flew right in front of the window. Hmm . I mean literally like 20 feet from the window, which they don't do, they swam over the lake, but, or fly over the lake. And instantly when I saw that bird, I could see the rim red rim of its eye was albina . Um, I knew that that was a spirit bird. Yeah . And while I'm still in prayer with my friend, I said, I've we're the prayer's being answered on the bird circled around the island. And sure enough, I said, but you gotta come back just to confirm it made one swoop and went between the islands and disappeared. I looked up the meaning of the pelican and it was generous family provider With their , you know, their mm-hmm . <affirmative> , their big gullet . Mm-hmm. <affirmative> , you know, they bring those fish and they feed their baby . Yeah . They bring babies. Yeah. And they Right . Or that's storks. Yeah. The stork. Well they're some , they're very similar. Yeah . But the pelican is in native lore. It's supposed to prick its own breast to feed its babies. It will actually sacrifice for its family. Mm-hmm . <affirmative> , well, taking care of Jerry took us all banding together. Yeah . And that's what I was praying about. I was like, how do I bring the family together? Mm-hmm . <affirmative> because I'm here in Washington and, and he's sick in the desert and the kids are all over the place in different places. And we had to get, we had to unify , uh mm-hmm . <affirmative> to spread love to him and help him . And it all came together. We all worked together as a family. And it was , it's , with stuff like that, it's like, I call it captain obvious when it happens. Mm-hmm . <affirmative> cuz it's just so timely.
Speaker 3:So there's a sense of, there's a sense of awakening and a and awareness. And for people who may want to include this into their lifestyle or perhaps a try that practice. That practice the practice mm-hmm. <affirmative> who don't , um, who are not somatically inclined, maybe more situated intellectually mm-hmm. <affirmative> and realize that there's some interest in this conversation. Mm-hmm . <affirmative> . So what would be a good step, beginning step?
Speaker 2:Well, if there's interest, then I say, don't believe me , just try <laugh>. It's, it's , it really is uptown funk. I mean, what can it
Speaker 3:Hurt ? Oh, that song <laugh> ?
Speaker 2:No , I'm
Speaker 3:Dancing now. I'm dancing in my mind. Funk
Speaker 2:Give , I mean, what's the big deal? I mean, try it. If you don't like it, you try . Yeah . Right now it's, it's kind of bringing a lightness of being. The other thing, I, I work somatically because we have bodies that attach our heads too. Um, when people are really, really intellectual, we just, just do the body sweep. Yeah . That we do body scan, we go down inside the body, like with a periscope, real slow noticing, hot cold pressure , uh, heavy light color , uh, temperature. And that instantly grounds us in a different brain
Speaker 3:And breath , breathing her breath .
Speaker 2:Oh, yeah. That always helps too. And the slow breathing, the real slow exhale.
Speaker 3:Yeah . I've been breathing in and in through my nose, out through my mouth. Me too. Yeah . And , and expanding that, not , not only in, but in, in duration and frequency. So , um, as I was driving here, I was, you know, spending about half hour breathing in the nose and out the mouth. And also focusing in on the molecules in my body in certain parts of my body that mm-hmm . <affirmative> , um, I know are the hosts to inflammation that I would like to address , um, or pay attention to mm-hmm. <affirmative>, because it's getting my attention mm-hmm. <affirmative> and I don't wanna ignore it and dismiss it and put it off mm-hmm. <affirmative> and hope that it just takes care of itself because that will only make it worse. So on the molecular, I actually go and close my eyes and breathing in, go into that area and see the inflammation, see the host cells, and ask them to vibrate at a higher frequency, at 400, 500 frequency , um, just dance differently. Mm-hmm . <affirmative> , and I let the mylene sheaths open up and I have this whole army of Pacman that come in and they chomp and they eat away all the inflammation. Mm-hmm . <affirmative> . And then this little tribe of ferries come in with a , uh, paintbrush, but it has full gold , uh, illuminated hot honey mustard <laugh> custard. And it just, they just, so one chomps and one swishes and closes chomps this and then breathing out. And, and then I leave that area visually when I see the inflammation has been consumed, mitigated, transformed. Mm-hmm . <affirmative> and the cells feel like they're dancing. Oh,
Speaker 2:Nice.
Speaker 3:And then I get out.
Speaker 2:I love that. And the fact that, you know , your inner vision knows what to do.
Speaker 3:Yeah. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> and it, it worked when I had breast cancer and it , and I had cervical issues back in my twenties mm-hmm . And thirties. Um, I worked with a medicine woman and, and did all of the intuitive work. And , um, I've done it. When I broke my back, I did it when I, I shot my eye out and I wrecked my cornea and I was scheduled for surgery. I redid all You mean you did ,
Speaker 2:You got your eye out?
Speaker 3:I had a ver I had a horse syringe with , with some , um, meds and , um, uh, pain, pain meds for my horse. Uhhuh <affirmative> , one of them. And it, it , the , the syringes, I don't know what, 11 inches. Yeah . Yeah . Plastic tip. It was plugged. Oh , push, push, push would not go out. Just happened to turn it up on its end . And it , as it looked , as I looked at it, it came out at me. And instead of hitting my chest or my chin, it hit my eye. Yeah . And it blew out the cornea. Oh
Speaker 2:No.
Speaker 3:To the point where the , uh, physician said, well, we, we need surgery, but we, it's so messed up, you have to go home and take care of it . Like let it settle down for when I went back four days later, they said, I don't know what you did, but you don't need surgery. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> , you know, and it was that same process. Yeah . Pack , pack , pack , PackMan , chewing wave . And I'm not saying that you only do this and unfor , you know, forgo medical treatment.
Speaker 2:What's you're adding, you can't go wrong. Like what? I mean, really when you think about it, you didn't risk anything.
Speaker 3:I had to be on my own for four days anyways. Yeah . So whatever. And, and again, don't believe it <laugh> , just try it . Just try it.
Speaker 2:Yeah. The thing I've learned to add to that is if something doesn't resolve, I like to invite it to tell me why it's here and how I can use it best.
Speaker 3:What can you, how can you help it? Yeah.
Speaker 2:Like I , you know, maybe I'm mentally on my back, maybe I'm meant to Yeah . For a while . And to not create resistance, but truly like to go into the heart of it. Like Byron Katie said something really interesting when they told her she was gonna go blind. Her response to that was to laugh. Which is very strange. But Byron Katie is completely tuned in and she thought, oh, that's an interesting twist. Now that's, I mean, the plot thickens, you know , like, oh, this'll be interesting. So she goes to this whole chapter on not being able to find the soap or the hot and cold and wearing mismatched socks and, you know, and how it was just interesting to her. Um, and she had no resistance. And then someone, I mean a surgeon, they did correct her vision, but she said it was just, I just went with it and I thought, Hmm , I wanna add that to the mix. So recently when I hurt my back golfing , uh, overdoing it, which is my specialty , um, in addition to doing all the things you're talking about, like trying to work with it and wasn't resolving the other voice that came to me. The God part activated the god particle. And I said, okay, what can I know about this that I don't know. And it just said one word. Moderation. Hmm . It just came through . It's a really important thing for me to learn. Moderation. I tend to go very fast and my kids would tell you how fast I can go, just like cleaning and doing stuff. I mean, I'll do two or three things at the same time. I'm multitasking. Yeah . Yeah. And the voice came to me. Moderation is this beautiful. Slow it down and be more mindful. Yeah.
Speaker 3:It's the act of imagination. Part of the onion therapy is listen , you know, asking. And, and so moderation is your guest, your hosting.
Speaker 2:Humility. Humility. Humility. Being very humbled. The fact that I'm in a body , um, I'm in an aging space suit as Ramdas talked about it, I'm very grateful for it and I need to be in tune. Yeah. I mean these sound like, like nothing, but they're huge to me. Yeah. Because they're subtle noticings,
Speaker 3:God particle the ultimate container. Mm-hmm . <affirmative> , we are in it and we are it mm-hmm . <affirmative> . And I love the idea of being able to acknowledge , um, what is there , uh, looking beyond our own self limitations as to what's possible. Mm-hmm . <affirmative> , um, I'm, I'm glad to hear another Yeah . Your version. Another way of talking about the container or the , uh, the frequency of , uh, working on a molecular level. And , um, and I really appreciate the idea of recognizing like there's a sense of embodiment. Mm-hmm . <affirmative> , there's a sense of , uh, deco uncoding in the body mm-hmm . <affirmative> recognition. Um, so for those that want to spend more time in somatic , uh, part of understanding the baseline, like understand like do a , a survey of your body from the top to the bottom as to the current status. You know, is there a sense of density or is there a sense of sensitivity or is there a sense of openness? And then check in. Um, when I work with clients on a somatic level in its very first I have them check in every , uh, morning and night for five days and just develop , um, uh, be a sense of attune awareness and attunement, making notes and uh, actually deciding where they would prefer to be. Mm-hmm . <affirmative> like in this case, the sense of an annunciation, what I would call annunciation. Mm-hmm . <affirmative> awareness. Yeah . It comes in and I love the idea of your sinuses opened up.
Speaker 2:Yeah. They always do. I pop up and when I speak to the people on the other side mm-hmm . <affirmative> out of the body, people mm-hmm. <affirmative>, who are much more alive than we are. So it's hard to call them dead cuz they laugh at that every time. That's a
Speaker 3:Curious comment.
Speaker 2:But when that ha I know <laugh> , but when that happens, I notice I'm instantly very happy. Yeah . Light. It's very seldom when I'm talking to someone on the other side that I feel sad. Yeah. Um, they're usually very jokey and funny and very expanded. And So that's the highest, one of the connecting to , um, the divine, connecting to folks who live closer to the vibration of the divine is divine. And when that happens and the , my whole body lights up. Yeah. And I'm just having a great conversation and helping someone. I don't do this professionally. Cause I mean, it happens professionally sometimes, but it's, it's, they live with us among us in finer particulates close to us, with us enjoying, I mean , I can feel Karen right now, and she's clapping her hands and she's laughing because she's having a terrific time.
Speaker 3:Wow . Thank you Karen. Yeah. She's
Speaker 2:With her family too.
Speaker 3:So with the God particle, let's go talk to the other side as we, here we go . Check out <laugh> . Thank you .
Speaker 2:All right . This was fun, Brenda .
Speaker 3:Thanks Deborah .
Speaker 1:And that concludes this week's episode of the Soul Path Sessions podcast with Deborah Mikes Pearson and Brenda Littleton. If you'd like to hear more about living a more soulful life , please subscribe to our channel on your favorite podcast app and be sure to check out the show notes and links below . For more information from Deborah , visit soul sessions com and for brenda brenda littleton com Thank you for listening and remember to follow your soul .