Soul Path Sessions
Soul Path Sessions
Soulful Numerology
There is a mathematical perfection to the Universe in which we are a part. In this episode Deborah and Brenda explore Sacred Geometry and a way to decode your "numbers" to better understand and find your soul path.
Welcome to the Soul Path Sessions podcast with Deborah Minds Pearson and Brenda Littleton. Brenda is an educator and counselor wrote it in YY and Ecopsychology. She helps her clients understand the importance of the mind, body, spirit, and earth relationship for healing. Deborah is a licensed psychotherapist and has been trained in traditional and sacred psychology, exploring from the ground up what makes our human experience meaningful, wholesome, and enlightening. Deborah and Brenda invite you to accompany them on a soul path journey as they explore the possibilities of living a most soulful life as therapists, seekers, and lovers of fate.
Brenda:Welcome back to Saul. Past Sessions. I'm Brenda Littleton with Deborah Minds, and today we're gonna take a look at numerology. It's a, uh, a practice that I don't have much experience with, although I know my mother did a lot of numerology. Mm-hmm.<affirmative>, and I was raised with it. But the actual, um, mechanics, the art, the science, and the practice and the application. Um, I'm gonna have Debra, uh, walk us through and, um, maybe even do a case study on me. Yeah.
Deborah:I make get more fun, don't you think? Yeah. Everybody get their, your pencils out because you're gonna wanna be doing this for yourself. I have a feeling. Um, it's fun.
Brenda:So, um, walk us through what is numerology and the science behind it? Well,
Deborah:It's a study of numbers for to begin. Um, and it's very ancient and like all mystic scientist sciences, it's the other meaning of something. So we all know the numbers, you know, of one through 10. Um, and I was content with that<laugh>. I wanna just kind of back up. I was content with the numbers, just numbers being numbers. I love numbers. I've always loved numbers. Counting has always been a favorite activity. But about when I was in my forties, I remember walking into a Barnes and Noble book store with my daughter Zoe, and she had to get a book on something and I was just minding my own business when an inner voice said to me, you gotta get a book on numerology. And I went, no, cuz I really hated astrology numerology. I didn't, I thought that, so focus book is carnivalesque projection, so I, you know, so I just stood there and it got more insistent. I'm like, get a book on numerology. I'm like, Ugh. And finally the internal pressure got so strong. Well, my daughter was looking for her book that I went over and I got like, numerology for complete Idiots, fools, you know, believers whatever.
Brenda:Numerology for Dummies.
Deborah:Yes. I mean, it was no for complete Idiots<laugh> because I just was so mad. And, um, so I, I went home and I read the book and of course I'm kind of scholarly, so I outlined it, I did my own numerology and then I went, okay, this is creepy. And then cuz it was so spot on. And then I did, we went on vacation and I did my husband, my daughter, everybody I knew all their birthdays, cataloged them and went down the rabbit hole. Then I got Dan Millman's book, the Life You Were Born to Live, which is stellar. I read and outlined the whole thing. It's all done. An orange, green, and yellow. And then I secretly and privately did all of my clients' numerology so I could help them more. Wow. And after 10 years of secret defining there literally 10 years, cuz you know, I'm a psychotherapist licensed in California. I do not want to come across like a carnival barker or a gypsy or something, although, yeah. So I didn't reveal, but I did heal. And so Great, great
Brenda:Tagline. Yeah.<laugh>,
Deborah:Right. It didn't matter if I told people what I was doing.
Brenda:Great tagline.
Deborah:Yeah.<laugh> don't reveal. You can hear. Yeah. And of course I've said before on another podcast, my grandmother was a psychic, a channeler, um, a medium. I grew up thinking that was completely normal and she did the destiny cards, which later on I would come to know. So this was my first doorway. And, uh,
Brenda:So you start with the
Deborah:Birthday. Yes. So it's a simple enough thing to do. What I'd like to do is start with what it is and then go through what the meaning of the nu the nine numbers are. Great. And then we'll do a little demo on
Brenda:Brenda. So if, if, um, like I know people that have a certain number that they really identify with. Yeah. Like, I, I really identify with five. Yeah,
Brenda:Makes sense. Um,<laugh>. Oh. Um, so this will give insight to our listeners as to perhaps why they have a, um, a particular number that they resonate with.
Deborah:Yeah. Generally speaking, I mean, there's so much more to this than I can present in a 20 minute format, but, um, the number five will figure in powerfully to your life once I tell you the meaning of it. Okay. And this, um, so we all know we start with the number one. Let's start at the very beginning. Very good place to start. So the number one is the number of creativity and confidence. Um, it is the, the single. Okay. There was just one, one and done in the, in a deck of plane cards. It's the ace. Got it. And what it stands for is, um, creativity and confidence. So all of the numbers have a, uh, resonance with internal qualities. Mm-hmm.<affirmative>. Okay. Um, and it's just a straight line. And, um, that's the positive nature of the one. Uh, the negative nature of the one is the opposite.<laugh> Insecurity and withdrawal. So creativity and confidence. I will return to this. If I see somebody, for instance, with a one or 10 life path, they, they will struggle with those things, generally speaking because the life path we'll talk about in a minute is not what you're good at. It's what you're here to master. Right. In this lifetime. So we'll go over the numbers, the lessons. So, so confidence versus confidence and creativity versus the insecurity. Insecurity and withdrawal. Okay. That would be the negative aspect of the one. Got it. For instance, I have a February 10th birthday, that is my personality card. If you are born on a one or a one zero, that means that in your personality, which is not really your soul, but how you present to the world, you may come across as very confident. Okay. Like one zero, you may be really insecure behind all that, but a one zero indicates the're presenting persona. Exactly. Okay. All right. So what's your birthday numbers? That's kind of fun. The number two, it's represented by two lines. Um, is cooperation and balance. That's what it means, you and me. So it's when the one adds one, you get two. And so it's all about cooperation and balance. Now that is the goal. But because those are really difficult things to balance, we tend to fall into over cooperating or codependency when the number two figures in powerfully in our lives. And being out of balance to enmeshment. Yeah. Over and under cooperation. Exactly. Got it. And being out of balance with people. The two, the number two really is seeking harmony between you and me. Imagine me and you. I do. I think about your day and night. It's only right to think about the one you love and hold them tight, happy together. That's a theme song of the two. Now I'm a two, so therefore that's what I do. Um, and most of us have two, many people have two. And we'll return, uh, life challenges in their numerology, um, journey. Okay. Three. Number three is represented by the triangle in sacred geometry, which is the, another, uh, way to view, um, the numbers themselves are in shapes. Um, and this is all about emotional expression and sensitivity. So we have the number two plus one, we got an extra. So now we can make the triangle. And the triangle, uh, is very, very sacred. There's the, the trinity mm-hmm.<affirmative>. Um, there's the tension of the opposites plus the one at the top, which is holding Yes and no. And then at the very top of the triangle is the divine light shining down on us, um, in its negative aspect, in its positive, uh, aspect, I should say emotional expression is childlike wonder, creativity, joy, uh, emotional expression. I mean, come on. It's, you know, com comedy and drama and all that. But in the same way that sensitivity can turn into childishness, baby ishness tantrum, throwing outta control, temper crazy, making over, excessive, or withdrawal. So when I see a three, uh, person, they tend to understand exactly what I'm talking about.
Brenda:<laugh>. Okay. So the, i the, their goal would be to become more confident and confident, uh, more mature.
Deborah:Yeah. To use that sensitivity wisely mm-hmm.<affirmative>. And to learn how to emotionally regulate. Yeah. Like one of my three clients said, you know, I got, I, my emotions are like a sled on the top of a slippery hill. Mm. It takes one tiny push and I'm at the bottom of the ice shoot. Yeah. And so I helped her with some skills.
Brenda:She's no self-regulating.
Deborah:She needed self self-regulation. She's brilliant. But she needed that because three is a really tough number if you're facing it. A lot of people have three. Oh. And anything that's exponential with a zero is 10 times stronger. Amplified amplifies. You have a 30th birthday, you may Yeah.
Brenda:40 is 50. Yeah.
Deborah:That's a personality number. But if it's your life path number, which we will circle back to, it's gonna be more, more of a thing. So let's move on to four three. You add one, you get a nice stable base. It's a box.
Brenda:Mm. A square.
Deborah:Square. And that is stability and balance. So many people with a four life path, they actually have a sort of boxy appearance, like a square. Interesting solidness to them. Um, we all love stability and balance. The thing about the four, it's like a Ford truck. It's just reliable as hell. So the number four has always been about that. And putting things in order, doing things step by step. Don't skip steps. Follow the simple instructions. That's the number four.
Brenda:So they can get stuck though, too.
Deborah:Well, the problem with the four in, um, as a life path challenge is there's this little issue with a five that, that enters in. Uh, and it they can get stuck. That's true. But because it's a, it's a challenge instability. Mm-hmm. And being out of balance is a challenge. You see, if you have a four life path number, it would seem like you'd be so, like, you know, square, Hey man, it's hip to B square. But the problem is the opposite's gonna be your challenge. Mm-hmm.<affirmative>. So we always wanna look at it like as the opposite instability out balance. I don't wanna do things according to Hoyle. I, you know, I I,
Brenda:So we can have phases in our life as well, going through, um, spots that amplify or focus on, um, these aspects.
Deborah:Yes. So, okay. When, when we're doing the math on this, I'm gonna return to this. We're gonna see what our life path number is, and it's gonna gonna be one of these exponentially or doubled. Okay. And you'll be able to see a little bit better.
Brenda:Okay. So five.
Deborah:Now five is, um, really the human form. Um, you know, like Da Vinci's, uh, five pointed. Yeah. Man. Right. A
Brenda:Pente. A pentacle.
Deborah:Yes, exactly. So it's, um, the freedom and discipline is the challenge of the five. Uh, five is the number that's like the square with an added leg. A a table with another leg. What are you gonna do with that extra leg? Well, that's your freedom and discipline, huh. So freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose<laugh>. And, um, what happens with five people a lot is they, they're usually scintillating fun, love their freedom and discipline, uh, is the other aspect. It's, it's a balancing aspect. And they tend to go one way or the other too much. They can be so disciplined, there's no fun. They can, they can just, there aren't that many that are like that I've noticed. Um, the, the other one is that there's so much freedom that nothing ever gets created for very long. Mm-hmm.<affirmative>, uh, they can make great salespeople. They love new ideas. They love the innovative, they love to travel. They, you know, they just really love their freedom. When I'm working with somebody who has this as a life challenge, it's always balancing that so they don't get out of balance with too much discipline. Not enough freedom, or too much freedom. Not enough discipl discipline. It's the seesaw.
Brenda:So number six,
Deborah:Number six is actually the philosopher stone. It's made by putting a triangle inside of a triangle like the star of David. Okay. Yeah. Um, so you have a six pointed star. Mm-hmm.<affirmative>, and it's means vision and acceptance is the goal. And so when you look at the meaning of one triangle points down at the earth, the other triangle points up at the heavens. This has always been considered a very sacred, um, as events by its use in the Judaic tradition symbol for as above, so below. Mm-hmm.<affirmative>, um, the words vision and acceptance mean that you have to look both up and down to have good vision. You have to see what's going on in the earth. And you look up, you look expanded beyond your own consciousness. And this is a challenging one because the freedom, I mean, I'm sorry, the vision can turn into perfectionism. Mm-hmm. I'm a six life path. I know about it. Like, I wouldn't do the podcast cuz you know, I'll never be perfect enough. I have the vision of it and I can get so many visions, but the practical application can be difficult. So I have to be careful about perfectionism, which is a whole I can fall into.
Brenda:So the acceptance part is also comes from the stability of under, like, if you can see, and, and you, you, you foresee, you know that it, what's coming in the sense of, um, not so much predestine, but you know, that there's a comfort zone. There's a comfort level of competence and, um, acceptance involved.
Deborah:It's gonna be a, it's gonna be what you strive for with the six of life path. There's, it's, uh, very karma. The number six is connected to karma. Um, it's connected to family. It's a pregnant number if you look at it.
Brenda:Got guy.
Deborah:Yeah. Yeah. It's, so the people with six life paths tend to call everybody brother, sister, family. Okay. You know? And, um, the acceptance part is we have to look at all angles. So if something happens difficult to a six life path, it's the number that's more likely to say what good can come with this. Right. Because find the lesson. Yeah. Find the lesson because karma's gonna hit us. Right. So it's the number of fate destiny. Cool.
Brenda:Balancing seven,
Deborah:Seven. A beautiful number seven, the seven sacraments. Um, seven seventh heavens. Uh, the symbol for this is the rainbow.
Deborah:It's the rainbow bridge and it's the number of rest. Um, and the colors of the, of the rainbow. Uh, it's beautiful. I get chills when I'm thinking about it. Uh, the number seven is all about trust and openness. After so much activity, we need a bridge. And if you ever meet a seven person, they will tend to be quiet and they'll tend to listen more than they speak. Um, and they will have a restful nature. It's also the card of faith.
Brenda:So it seems like a sense of vibration and a sense of peace. I mean, when I see, when I see a rainbow, it's just, I get awestruck. Right. It's like, wow, this is right here. Yeah. Yes. And I don't often get to see it since it's here, it's gonna go real soon. Pay attention.
Deborah:Exactly. So, so the seven, um, like the seventh day of the week, we rest. Ah,
Deborah:So this idea that the seven is all about rest, the challenge for the seven person is trust and openness. So very often when you meet a seven person, they will, they keep their cards close to their best. Mm-hmm.<affirmative>, a seven person will be somebody that you think you know, but then the next time you meet'em, it's like a stranger sometimes. Hmm. You really have to win their, they're like their rabbit. You have to really win their trust. And it's not so easy, it's difficult for them. Many of them can be passive aggressive in the negative mm-hmm.<affirmative> because they don't trust you. It's their challenge.
Brenda:So the openness, the opposite of openness in would be a sense of closure. Um, um, apprehension.
Deborah:Mm-hmm.<affirmative>. Retreat. Retreat. I'm not, you know, I really don't wanna deal with people. They're not trustworthy. I'm gonna, I'm a rock, I'm an island. Yeah,
Brenda:I know that one.
Deborah:<laugh>. Yeah. So, so we, I think we all have these qualities. If it's a life path challenge for you, it's gonna be much more accentuated. Yeah. Okay. So now we're gonna move forward to the powerful eight. Yeah. Eight on its side is the symbol for infinity in the Egyptian, right? Mm-hmm.
Deborah:And it stands for power and abundance. So if you can picture the eight right side up as two circles, one on top of each other
Brenda:Mm-hmm.<affirmative>. And I do see it that
Deborah:Way. Yeah. Yeah. So the top one in our culture in the, in the west is power over abundance. Like, if I have a lot of power, I'll have a, so if you could picture it like an hourglass mm-hmm.<affirmative>, the top one would be the power. And if I do a lot of things powerfully, then I'll get abundance. It'll, it'll the sands. We'll go to the bottom. Now in the mystic tradition, you flip
Brenda:It. Yeah.
Deborah:And so you see the, the spiritual abundance as feeding the earthly needs.
Brenda:I recently had a, a client saying, I thought I was gonna be expanding my outer power to receive inner abundance, but this whole year has transferred itself so that I've worked, I've received more inward power. And that will achieve outward abundance.
Deborah:That's right. Yeah. That's right. So, so when a person's working that correctly, like person you're talking about, they find that things, the power comes through them as part of them, but it doesn't belong to them. It's, it's universal energy
Brenda:And it's the affect. It's not, um, the, the abundance part and the power. Um, again, I I I, I always see the sense of, um, ego versus soul mm-hmm.<affirmative> and any handicaps or limitations. It's the ego getting stuck and that what carries it through and what allows the sense of growth is soul seeping in and taking some burden off that outward manifestation of the ego. And, um, so Right on. Yeah. In
Deborah:Fact, when you were saying this, you were making the I know,
Deborah:With your hand. Like you're just going like, here we go. Everything serves. And, um, it's a, it's like when you, we surrender and we put the surrender on the top to the abundance of universal intelligence that belongs to us. And we are the, the container or this we are the container. Mm-hmm.<affirmative>, then what pours into the bottom serves. Mm-hmm.<affirmative> serves the greater
Brenda:Good. That's so interesting. I used to have a time, a sand hourglass. Yeah. You know, and I would have that as my Oh, session's over.
Deborah:I love that. I love it. I I would love to use something just like that. So when we forget spirit, what we do in the negative, which you'll see with a power person, is they use power tools. Yeah. Um, they may use methamphetamines to go faster. Right. I see a lot of eight addicts. Got it. They, they override the, their body. They're simulating, they're usually beautiful, powerful looking people. But they burn out. Yeah. Because they have to use a lot of substances. They tend to treat people mean. Mm-hmm. Um, they tend to confuse earthly gold for spiritual gold. So the, their bumper sticker is the one who dies with the most toys wins. Mm-hmm.<affirmative>. And that yet they come crashing into a therapist's office saying like, I've got five homes and five wives and a whole pocket of misery. Can you help me? Mm-hmm. I'm this and that. This is my ego. It's so big. And my toilet seat is gold. And I, and I need some grounding. So eights when they hit crash and burn are incredible at learning what the source of true abundance is. Which is, which is love.
Deborah:It's love. Really nice. It's always been love. And it always will be
Brenda:Beautiful. Yeah. So then what's left over for nine?
Deborah:Number nine. So nine is the penultimate number. It's the number of integrity and wisdom. Mm-hmm. It's coming full circle. So integris, so the, the symbol for nine would be the circle. Mm-hmm.<affirmative>. You can actually see that little circle with that line. It's a rope. It stands for a rope in Egyptian, um,
Brenda:Orora Boris
Deborah:Orora Boris correctly. Yes. Correct. They snake eating its own tail. Mm-hmm.<affirmative>. So the, um, the two words that go with the number nine are integrity and wisdom. Um, this means to embrace everything that's happening to you and learn from it. So you can have wisdom. The word wisdom is, uh, ancient old English word divided into wisdom. The vi was v i s mm-hmm. Turned into a w that means vision. D o m is dominion. So you put vision and dominion. You, you then have knowledge. So what I see, and I learn, I can learn from mm-hmm.<affirmative>. So nine people in the positive tend to give everything away. They're returning, uh, like the arbor to themselves. They're the, they, they learn from their experiences. They're wise beyond all measure. And, um, in the negative, it's crazy cuz this number has such a high calling that quite a few people don't ascend to it. And they, what they do is they go offline, there's nobody worse in my caseload than a nine who's gone offline because they worry they can't get outta their own way. There's negative Nellies, the sky is falling. They're the most worried, indecisive, lost souls who just don't accomplish much of anything. They recognize integrity, but they don't apply it. They'll do drugs. They'll be like, I'll just find them wandering in the desert uncle like, oh God, they gotta be a nine
Brenda:<laugh>. So this is a, like a sidebar, but when I hear the aura Boris, um, I used to do a lot of work with Aura Boris. And the idea is everyone talks about how it's a circle and it contains, but then to me it's like, well that's a very clear boundary. So when you've created an orora Boris, you have a very clear boundary of not only what you're containing inside, but you're also de uh, denoting what is outside. You're not letting in in your beautiful space. All of that which is out there. So this would tie in with a nine, I would think. Mm-hmm.<affirmative> in the sense of containing your own integrity. Yes. Your own and, and containing the wisdom and having a definitive circle.
Deborah:Abso I love that. I'm gonna add that to my knowledge base cuz that's spot on. In fact, quite a few nines give so much away, they have nothing left. Right. And you've gotta use some, in some wisdom to know what, you know, don't just give things away
Brenda:And have boundaries.
Deborah:And have boundaries. Yeah. Don't give it all away. So the dark side is worry and addiction. Um, when they get on the trail, there's some of those beautiful souls I've worked with gang members that in the past who I knew when I knew they were a nine, I knew I could work with'em.
Deborah:Okay. They got out of integrity. So do you wanna play with
Brenda:Your Yeah, let's play, let's play, let's, I have, um, I know my mother did my numerology, she did all this when I was younger, but I, I, um, you know, this one of my resistance, I was like, that was what I did when I was a child.<laugh> mm-hmm.<affirmative>. So, um, I'd love to be reintroduced to the value because I know it's integral as far as understanding your own life, client life, um, dealing in couples. Um, and also I, I, uh, would think that this would be useful in an instrumental when you're starting a project mm-hmm.<affirmative> and see the number en numerology for a project.
Deborah:Oh absolutely. For me it is. Yeah. Good. Because my, my 26, um, my 24 6 life path helps me a lot. So, okay.
Brenda:Um, yeah. So what do you need from me? Well,
Deborah:I just need your birthday. Okay. And I want everybody in who's listening take the time to get to Pen, because you're gonna be doing the math on yourself if you wish. It'll make it much more rich for you. So we're gonna, I'm gonna ask Brenda is her birth month, day, and year. So, and we're gonna add those numbers up one at a time. Okay.
Brenda:So May
Deborah:Mm-hmm.<affirmative> five,
Brenda:That's a five is 15. Mm-hmm.
Deborah:<affirmative> plus one plus five.
Brenda:So keep going five. And then 10 and 11, that's
Deborah:Two. No, we're gonna separate them out. Okay. We're just gonna go five plus one plus five
Brenda:Plus plus five
Deborah:Plus one plus nine
Brenda:Plus five. Five
Deborah:Plus five plus. And when you add those numbers up, you get oh, 31
Deborah:Okay. Then you collapse that number and you put a slash and you collapse it into four. So it'll be like a 31 over a four. Like a like Yeah. There you go. So now
Brenda:Why over a
Deborah:Four? Well, because you collapse the three and the one and that's your life path number. It's four. Yeah. So what we do, if you can picture this now, if everybody's catching up, you can do this later. Cuz I'm gonna, for the interest of time, I'm gonna move ahead with Brenda's stuff. Um, and remember the book, uh, the Life You Were Born to Live by Dan Millman is the most excellent resource on all of the numerology books I have. So what we're gonna look at is that the life path number, the three and the one in Brenda's life path are like doors. They're beautiful doors on one door. They're, there's a three and the other door is a one. And those two doors are going to have to be worked Numerologically in order for Brenda to get to her four. Okay. Okay. So we're gonna start with the number three. For Brenda, it's very, very important that she addresses her emotional expression and sensitivity. Mm-hmm.<affirmative>, it might be said that Brenda, if she's not careful, would let her emotions get the best of her. And in the negative, we always wanna look at the negative. When we're the weak weakest point. The weakest point. We want it and we wanna use, we also wanna address the gift. So if Brenda is using her artistic, which I know she does, um, emotional nature. Well, and not fritter away her time in tantrums and complaining, which would be a challenge for any three life path. Not to, not Brenda in particular, but I'm using Brenda as our Guinea pig today. Yeah. The three, uh, is trying to master their emotions, which is a lifelong journey.
Brenda:Yeah. Is that the, uh, compensation is to dismiss emotion and go for the rational. Mm-hmm.<affirmative>, you know, go for the intellect.
Deborah:Yeah. There's nothing wrong with that, it's just that, but it's a compensation. It's not Yeah. It's a compensation. It's, it's just, it's your path, you know? Yeah. So the one door is all about creativity and confidence. It opens again to her life path. So in Brenda's life, it could be speculated that she has the potential for a lot of creativity. She may have struggled with confidence at times mm-hmm.<affirmative>, because that is the difficulty feeling blocked, not being able to get out of a just a, a creative block and not feeling confident about herself might be the challenge. I'm gonna turn it over to you, Brenda. I can relate to that.
Brenda:Well, I wasn't until I was 40 and living in a marriage where I was comfortable being creative where I didn't have to sequester myself away. Sequester away. Yeah. To hide my creativity. It was part of the, the, the home. It was ex almost expected to be creative mm-hmm.<affirmative>. And, um, so yeah, the idea of having confidence through my creativity, I, I had garnered confidence through my business acumen, but I hadn't really allowed the creativity to be expressed until much, you know, in my midlife. And it was a struggle. And it's, um, it, it's a great gift because it's a foundation now that is unwavering. Mm-hmm.<affirmative>, you know, I, I believe in my, not only my artistic creativity, but my writing creativity mm-hmm.<affirmative> through being a professor and, and writing papers and present, you know, it's just that it had to come though. Mm-hmm. I mean, up until then I had absolutely like, nobody wants to hear this. Yeah. Nobody
Deborah:Needs this. That's the one challenge. Nobody want the de the little demonn in the ear. Nobody needs this. You know, the critic. Yeah. Nobody wants it. Nobody will do it. So that's the one challenge, the confidence you might see, you know, somebody, you think they're so confident, but if they have the one challenge, you know, that it was part of the curriculum and I called it the divine curriculum. Mm-hmm.<affirmative>, uh, Pythagoras, who was one of the people who began this whole conversation about the interconnection of numbers and life path. Cool. Um, but talked about this being, uh, a, the school in ancient Greece, you know, this is a school where you found out, out your numerology, then you knew your path. Mm-hmm.<affirmative>. So for you, Brenda, you faced the wine. And I imagine like in my path, I, I bounce back, I get kicked out the door quite a bit. Like, then I have to look at what did I not do Right. Okay. And I know what my numbers are, so it helps me. Got it. Now we're gonna bust open those doors. We're gonna actually open these beautiful, beautiful
Brenda:Doors. The carved wooden doors.
Deborah:You can choose the kind of doors they are. And we have the lovely number four waiting for Brenda and
Brenda:That. And we get the life path by adding those two numbers
Deborah:Together. Exact them all. Okay.
Brenda:Them all. So, and everyone at home, if you have their, their numbers and they add'em together, and then the bottom part that's becomes their life path.
Deborah:That's your life path as like, as a Dan Millman is so good at explaining. Okay. So for Brenda, her number is four, and that's all about, as you remember the box stability and balance mm-hmm.<affirmative> mm-hmm.<affirmative>. Now if she's in the, I'm gonna talk about the negative because it'll help our listeners. Stability and balance would be the goal, but it would be a challenge at some point in Brenda's life because she wouldn't have chosen it. I mean, the idea here is that you choose your curriculum to master it while you're in soul, in form on the planet. So Brenda May have experienced times where she felt very unstable. Mm-hmm.<affirmative>, she may have felt completely outta balance and she may have skipped steps to get there. She might have jumped over and ignored building a solid foundation. That would be the norm. Um, I have a four challenge in my life, and like reading instructions when I'm gonna put something together is a weak point. Mm-hmm. I've learned to do it. Just read the simple instructions.<laugh>.
Brenda:Well, it does add a sense of, line up the dots on continuity. When I look at being a ballerina for 14 years mm-hmm.<affirmative> riding horses and, and, uh, mastering a balance technique on horses. Mm-hmm.<affirmative>, you know, in the sense of being elevated and being in balance, um, as well as balance, as far as security. Um, I have a pension. Like I, I absolutely have to own land. Like I cannot live in a condo or an apartment. That's
Deborah:So four of you,
Brenda:It's just like, have to, you've gotta have the four walls.
Deborah:Yeah. You see that and
Brenda:The four, the four lines of the five acres mm-hmm.<affirmative> or, you know, whatever the property is. Mm-hmm.<affirmative>, it's like I have to have that. Mm-hmm.<affirmative>. It's like if I, I could be falling apart as long as I have that mm-hmm.
Deborah:<affirmative>,<laugh> good foundations. Yeah. So that, that means that Brenda sounds like she works her life path. Um, she's working her life path. She's, she's using her creativity. Well, she's confident and she's creating a good structure for herself in, in her, her project. She's making sure she's following the simple instructions. She's carrying through with her projects, she's getting them done. I know Brenda well enough to say that is correct. She's certainly not done because we're never, never done. What I find is that when I've achieved something, I just sign up for the next thing and then I have to practice all over again, uh, to, to apply those same principles. All my life path is a bit different. Mm-hmm.<affirmative> in your life, you might find it a challenge where you get emotionally upset and you don't feel confident mm-hmm.<affirmative> and you don't have the structure you need.
Brenda:Well, I, I understand that when I am emotionally imbalanced, I get physically sick.
Brenda:You know, it, it is that quick. Yeah. And if I'm going to repair myself, um, go to art, um, you know, create something. Right. Something, um, listen to poetry, it, it, it is a balancing act for me in that sense.
Deborah:We Yes. And this is so important. All of these are a balancing act actually. I mean, they all have their teeter-totter creativity and confidence cooperation balance. Yeah. You can see there's a fulcrum here. Yeah. Um, nobody stays perfectly balanced all the time. It's like a matter of a question of
Brenda:Balance. I've often, um, Reached the point with myself and my clients in that, um, we are all damaged with something. And that is a clear indication as to what the signposts are. That it's almost, um, a, um, a travel plan, uh, uh, like going to the old AAA to get a travel plan, you know mm-hmm.<affirmative>. And so we're actually given the roadmap, if we act, if we look at it yes. As this is, these are the items on the list to work through, these are the areas of improvement. This is our, these are our tests that are specifically uniquely our own. And you don't have to search too far to go outside of that to find it. So stop wasting time and get on with it.<laugh>
Deborah:So true. I mean, when I got a hold of what this particular stuff
Deborah:Um, it wasn't just mental. I had a full body realization that I came up on a Rosetta Stone. Yeah. Again, we'll go back to the beginning of the story. I'm in Barnes and Noble, I don't want anything to do with this. The voice says you're interested. Now my body lights up like a Christmas tree. I become extremely interested. It benefits humanity. It benefits me. It makes me more loving. It makes me able to accomplish what I came here to do. So it's was given to people throughout all, I've looked up it up, it was found in ancient Egypt, in Greece, in, in, in Israel, Egypt, and all these India. It, there's not a culture that, this was not the, the secret handshake.
Brenda:Well, I love our secret handshake<laugh>, Deborah, I'm glad that we've had a show on this. And the beginning of the year, we first went through the year The Rabbit, and now we're moving into numerology. Perfect. And, uh, we're gonna go look at repair. Yay. So thank you so much. I My pleasure. I I'm going to, um, take my notes and, um, and apply them. Yeah.
Deborah:Yay. Yay. Okay. Tell we meet again. Thank
Brenda:You. All right, bye.
Announcer:And that concludes this week's episode of the Soul Path Sessions podcast with Deborah Mikes Pearson and Brenda Littleton. If you'd like to hear more about living more Soulful Life, please subscribe to our channel on your favorite podcast app and be sure to check out the show notes and links below For information visit Soul Sessions. And Brenda, Brenda, thank you. Follow.