Soul Path Sessions
Soul Path Sessions
Season 1 Encore: Initiations, Invitations & Epiphanies - Part 1
This is an encore episode from Season 1: Initiations, Invitations & Epiphanies - Part 1 of 2
“The Greeks believed that time had secret structure. There was the moment of Epiphany when time suddenly opened and something was revealed in luminous clarity. There was the moment of krisis when time got entangled and directions became confused and contradictory. There was also the moment of kairos; this was the propitious moment. Time opened up in kindness and promise. All the energies cohered to offer a fecund occasion of initiative, creativity, and promise. Part of the art of living wisely is to learn to recognize and attend to such profound openings in one’s life.” ~ John O'Donohue
Initiations, invitations and epiphanies are usually life altering events that invoke some kind of revelation. In this encore episode (part 1 of 2), Deborah and Brenda share personal soul stories of their own initiations that framed and informed change in their lives. As with most of life's changes, crossing a new threshold involves chaos, risk and fear, none of which outwardly appear to be under any one's control. However, as is often the case, there lies a deeper intelligence at work. A process that one can learn to trust if they choose to be open and recognize the initiations, invitations and epiphanies that come their way. The goal of this first of two episodes is to not only affirm their own initiations, but also to encourage those who may be wanting to remember their own.